I realized this day that even though I love technology, the computer, internet, phone, all of that, I really prefer the traditional way of doing homework, with pencil and paper. At UGA, and I'm sure many other big universities, most assignments are being done online now. Oh sure, you can use pen and paper to do your work, but you enter all your answers and submit your homework through a program online. The reason I don't like this is because I can get the right answer on paper, but when I try to enter it into the computer, it can say it's wrong. The key is to enter it in the exact way that the program wants you to enter it, and figuring out what way that is can be tricky. I hope I don't have this problem when it comes to my first quiz on Wednesday (those and tests are also done online).
I sat in Jittery Joe's for a few hours, doing math homework, slurping my iced coffee and doing a little reading, until it was time to head to The Connection. At UGA, there are many Christian campus ministries that I've heard good things about, so for this month I've decided to "ministry hop" until I find one that I want to commit to. The Connection is one such ministry that is connected to a local Baptist church in the area. The people that night were very friendly, and I really enjoyed the speaking! Next Wednesday night I will attend Wesley ministry, with the Methodist Church (an IMPACT360 alumnus from the first class is on the leadership team at this ministry). So, in case you didn't know, there are actually two IMPACT360 alumni at UGA, me, a freshman, and Abby D, who is a senior this year and graduating in May.
3 days down, 2 to go...
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