Tuesday, October 2, 2012

a little more handsome

For those of you who know me at all, or even if you happen to see my Facebook page periodically, you know that there is a certain little boy who means so much to me.  I've been friends with Jess and Chris Fitzgerald since early 2010, and their first child, Asher Keel Fitzgerald, was born February 7, 2011.  I've spent a lot of time with Asher since he was a baby, have grown to love him so much, and we known each other so well that he even calls me "tatty."  About nine months ago, Jess told me she was pregnant with baby number 2, and I remember telling my mom, I don't think I could love another baby as much as I love Asher.  She responded, "love is not divided, but multiplied."

This weekend, on Saturday, September 29, 2012, Baby Fitz #2 was born: Graham Christopher Fitzgerald.  I held that baby and fell in love again.  He is so precious, and the world just got a little more handsome with this baby. I love this boy so much, and I'm not even related.  I can't imagine how much Chris and Jess and the rest of grandparents and family love him.  I am already looking forward to getting to know him and continuing to "nanny"/babysit him and Asher in the years to come.
The happy parents!
Graham Christopher Fitzgerald
With the birth of "Baby Next" (as I called him until he had a name), it meant that Asher and I got to spend a lot of time together on Sunday while Jess and Chris and family were at the hospital with Graham. I picked him up for church, he played in the nursery, and then we went home for lunch and a nap (well, study time for me while Asher slept).  Then we got to go to the hospital to visit Graham (he's having to spend a few days in the NICU for an infection...he's looking better and expected to be done with antibiotics by Thursday or Friday).

                             A little tired after church                                       Before church, hanging out with
                                                                                                                   me in the sound booth.
 Baby Graham

Because Graham was born on a Saturday, UGA football was being played.  This week was a home game; and it was a good one!  We played TN and we won, making us undefeated this season.  Kay and I got to meet Hairy Dawg (which is one of three things I wanted to accomplish regarding UGA football before I graduate).  Now I just have to meet/get a picture with Uga and be on the sidelines for at least a few minutes in a game.  I will love you forever if you can make either of those two things happen. 

In other news, I still love my job as a personal trainer!  And I made an A on a test yesterday that I hardly studied for!  The Lord is good and continues to bless me beyond what I deserve.

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