Friday, February 13, 2009

Pictures from Brazil in Brasilia

#1. Jack Bauer is EVERYWHERE!!! Even in Brazil (this picture is only funny to those of you who know my obsession with 24)
#2. Our crazy van rides everyone we went in Brazil
#3. Many fruit juices we drank (L-R: passion fruit, pineapple, watermelon, strawberry)
#4. Statue in Brasilia (this was taken on our tour of the city)
#5. The delicious pizza we ate down there (this one is banana and chocolate)
#6. My face after just drinking very strong and extremely sweet Brazilian coffee (I had accidentally put WAY to much liquid sweetener in it)
#7. The Temple of Goodwill: syncretism at its finest
#8. The I360 team in front of the presidential palace in Brasilia

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